Our Montana Grown and Processed Wool

Our Process:

  • Our wool is from sheep raised in Montana, 100% virgin wool. These sheep have not been “dipped” into a chemical bath. “Dipping” has been used in the past to control various pests.
  • We use the Suffolk breed of sheep, which has a fleece that resists felting; Therefore our wool has plenty of springiness! This springiness is what helps keep the shape and comfort in our futons.
  • This Suffolk wool is washed in solar heated hot water and fragrance free detergent to remove the natural oils (lanolin). If the lanolin isn’t removed, the wool will stick together, which would also counteract the natural spring of the wool.
  • The wool is carded (combed) on large machines from the 1930’s. The wool batting is made to our specifications; thickness, length and width.

The Benefits:

  • No chemicals are used in the processing of our wool batting.
  • Wool helps allow moisture to evaporate out of a futon. Less chance of that “clammy feeling” which may occur with synthetics.
  • Wool is a renewable resource.
  • Wool is biodegradable.

Please see our processor’s website, SugarLoafWool.com for pictures and great information!